DataGridVueDotnet assembly

DataGridVueDotnet namespace

public typedescription
enum DataTypeSupported data types for a data grid column.
static class DataTypeExtensionsExtension methods for DataType
class FilterModel definition for the aggregated filter currently being applied to the entire data grid.
class FilterConditionModel definition for the current state of a column filter.
enum FilterOperatorSupported filter operators.
static class FilterOperatorExtensionsExtension methods for FilterOperator.
class GetGridStateRequest<TUserId,TGridId>Request data interface sent by the data grid to get the current grid state. Server Side Storage Serviceopen in new window
class GridStateThe data that is saved as part of the grid state. Server Side Storage Serviceopen in new window
class PageData<TDataItem>Model definition for the data displaying on the current page.
class PageDataRequestRequest data interface sent by the data grid's Server Side Data Serviceopen in new window
static class PageDataRequestExtensionsExtension methods for PageDataRequest
class SetGridStateRequest<TUserId,TGridId>Request data interface sent by the data grid to save the current grid state. Server Side Storage Serviceopen in new window
class SortColumn sort definition.
enum SortTypeWhether a sort is ascending or descending.

DataGridVueDotnet.Exceptions namespace

public typedescription
class DataParseFailedException
class PageDataRequestInvalidException

DataGridVueDotnet.Extensions namespace

public typedescription
static class QueryableExtensionsExtension methods for IQueryable