Interface: ServerSideStorageServiceOptions<TUserId, TGridId>


Options to configure the built-in server-side storage service. The server-side storage service will only attempt to deserialize the response body for getGridState if the HTTP status code is 200 OK and the Content-Type response header is application/json.



Type parameters

Type parameterDescription
TUserIdThe type of the user identifier.
TGridIdThe type of the grid identifier.


userIdTUserIdThe unique identifier for the current user that will be sent to the server with the get and set requests.
gridIdTGridIdThe unique identifier for the specific data grid instance that will be sent to the server with the get and set requests.
getPostRoute?string | URLopen in new windowDescription
The full HTTP/HTTPS url to send the POST request to retrieve grid state.
Use beforeGetRequest callback to alter the HTTP verb or headers.
beforeGetRequest?BeforeGetRequestHandler<TUserId, TGridId>Optional callback to change the Requestopen in new window
object before it is sent to the server from the built-in server side storage service. This is useful
when you need to map the GetGridStateRequest to a different data contract or alter the HTTP verb/headers.
getResponseHandler?GetResponseHandlerOptional callback to change the Responseopen in new window
object before it is handled by the data grid. This is useful when you need to map the servers response
data back to GridState.
setPostRoute?string | URLopen in new windowDescription
The full HTTP/HTTPS url to send the POST request to save grid state.
Use beforeSetRequest callback to alter the HTTP verb or headers.
beforeSetRequest?BeforeGetRequestHandler<TUserId, TGridId>Optional callback to change the Requestopen in new window
object before it is sent to the server from the built-in server side storage service. This is useful
when you need to map the SetGridStateRequest to a different data contract or alter the HTTP verb/headers.
setResponseHandler?GetResponseHandlerOptional callback type to change the Responseopen in new window
object before it is handled by the data grid from the built-in server side data service.